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Practicing what we preach
Practicing what we preach at Cucumber. A great session for ourselves put together by our Strategy & Design Team - "Who we are & how we work".
Delivering the story of Te Whare Wānanga O Awanuiārangi to the World
From the moment we first stepped foot on Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi campus in Whakatane, we were blown away.
Flattening the curve of complexity – An operations viewpoint
During conversations with colleagues I started to have this strange connection between the exponential pandemic spread and the challenges facing operations managers in our Primary Sector companies. Weird I know. But hear me out.
Exploring environmental innovation at Matariki X
At the end of July I attended the Environmental Innovation Masterclass at Matariki X with our partner Scion.
This was an opportunity to learn how New Zealand businesses can become leaders in our transition towards a circular economy.
Tauranga City Council's Asset Planning: From Spreadsheet to Enterprise System
Cucumber’s Craig Cleary talks about his amazing journey implementing enterprise asset planning software at Tauranga City Council
Human-Digital Collaboration: Enhancing our Uniquely Human Capabilities
The deeper context of “digital technology” was first presented to me, in a very analogue way, by Nicholas Negroponte’s book Being Digital (1995). The MIT Media Lab, founded by Negroponte, had always been a source of information, as well as inspiration and fascination, for my business endeavours, for what at that time was called new media.
Auckland MeasureCamp 2018
MeasureCamp Auckland was held on Saturday 16 June 2018 at the TVNZ Televison Centre. It was advertised with this byline :-
A Decision Away From Catastrophe
I have come to recognise that growing fruit as a commercial enterprise is fraught with risk. I can only think of two other professions that may have more multifaceted and unpredictable dynamics thrown at them than a grower – a coal miner and an astronaut.
User Research for Insight
At Cucumber, our team uses a research-first approach to help shape your strategy. With user research projects, we typically follow this process:
The Macro Impact of Microinteractions
In a world where customisation, personalisation (and several other things that end in -isation) are just expected, it’s the little details that help form a point of difference or give your customers a positive experience.
Using Design Thinking To Navigate The Technology Landscape
With the wealth of technology options available and the speed at which new offerings appear, business leaders can end up feeling some confusion. What do they choose?
Service Design; Over-Hyped Buzzword Or Powerful Transformation Tool?
Customers understand their experience of a service very well. The problem is that most organisations often develop their services at arm’s length.